SUBWAY #5731
Date Of Complaint
Complaint Type
McAlisters is not out of business. I walked out of there on Sunday February 25, 2024. I held the serve safe certification. There is only one other that is certified. Tim Davis, he was just put back on the schedule. There is no one else. They break so many regulations and when I tried to fix them they didn?t want to listen. I was the bad guy. It becomes so bad that I had to leave. I have worked there for 1 1/2 years and it has gotten worse. The plumbing, the bathroom etc. I have pictures over the past year with dates the backed up my complaint. They also don?t have a current license as of now. Feel free to contact me if needed.
Investigation Start Date
Contacted complainant. She entered complaint under a closed temporary event. The permit is current. Other details send to Thea Rayford. LT
Date Of Resolution
Enforcement Action
Data Disclaimer
Data in this system come from two very different systems
Some inspections in the old system may be missing prior to July 2002
Day Care Centers & Youth Camps Inspections prior to June 2005
If in doubt about any facility, call the responsible health department
Data are for informational purposes, not enforcement