Date Of Complaint
Complaint Type
Complainant stated that she was served contaminated fried rice and became ill with unspecified symptoms. She claims that a waitress killed a man and served him in the rice. We referred her to local law enforcement for the criminal aspect of the case.
Investigation Start Date
Discussed complaint with owner during inspection. Owner stated no one has had any symptoms of sickness such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Make sure all employees are washing hands often and correctly. Fried rice was holding at 160 degrees. Cook temps and holding temps were all in correct range. Sanitizers were all in corrected range. All foods were from approved sources.
Date Of Resolution
Enforcement Action
Data Disclaimer
Data in this system come from two very different systems
Some inspections in the old system may be missing prior to July 2002
Day Care Centers & Youth Camps Inspections prior to June 2005
If in doubt about any facility, call the responsible health department
Data are for informational purposes, not enforcement