View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  03/27/2024 
Complaint  My neighbor - Miles Veasley, I think his address is 158 Cow Creek Rd, Starkville MS, but not sure - extended his septic drain line to the edge of his property and now his septic discharge is draining onto my property. I am selling my house with a close date of April 19 with a buyer contingency for the neighbor to have the drain line re-routed, but the neighbor has been unresponsive in my attempts to address the situation with him. I need the Health Dept to require him to reroute his drain line to not drain on my property before April 19 for the closing of my house.  
Date Of Resolution  06/11/2024 
Investigation History  Made site visit, observed malfunctioning system leaving the neighboring property onto Mr Wise?s property

30 day letter sent

04/15/2024: Installer contacted Environmentalist for repair options

04/18/2024: Met with contractor, Homeonwer and District Environmentalist Randy Jones for repair options on site, installer list for the area was sent to homeowner

04/29/2024: Installer Lamar Mills contacted Environmentalist to let him know he was doing the repairs but would be Saturday the 11th before he could get to it. Environmentalist allowed him to do this to complete the job he was on now.

06/11/2024: Lamar Mills (Installer) contacted Environmentalist that system had been repaired with 3 spray heads. Will return to site to confirm repairs were made  

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