View Complaint
Date Of Complaint
Field line empties onto another property
Date Of Resolution
Investigation History
Duplicate complaint
12/5-thought this was a duplicate compliant but spoke with complainant and realized it?s a separate house. Site visit today. Did not,get out due to dogs. Will send letter (done 12/9]
1/8-site visit. No one home. Did not look around but left note on the door. Owner called later and said they did have a problem bit it has been fixed. Field line runs toward the creek but does not go in. Will look next time I?m there
1/16-looked around back yard and do not see sewage. It may be running in the woods. Told complainant that somebody with the adjoining properties is going to have to show me where the sewage is going. There is another home between this one and the creek so I do not believe it?s going in there.
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