View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  05/05/2014 
Complaint  Complainant stated that the next door neighbor had a sewage malfunction and was a horrible odor, mosquitoes and maggots.
(This house is located next door to 1500 Franklin Street and the mailbox has 1300 on it.) 
Date Of Resolution  05/06/2014 
Investigation History  Property owned by Rodney Barnes according to owner.I visited property and observed that the repair line from the home to the central sewage line had recently been repaired or replaced. There was evidence of previous sewage on the ground and what appeared to be lime on the area, but no sewage was observed or smelled.

The neighbor stated that since the repair her washing machine does not drain and that when it rains sewage comes up in that area. She was not sure if this had happened since repairs were made. Complainant was given my name and number and will call me if she observed sewage on the ground again. 

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