View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  07/10/2014 
Complaint  My neighbor has had his septic tank leaking for quite an extended period of time. It doesn't drain so it floods both his and my backyard with sewege. the Home Owners Association has asked him to fix the issue quite a few times but we have had no response. The sewege is leaking everywhere.  
Date Of Resolution  10/31/2014 
Investigation History  PHE has been off work for several days when complaint was submitted. Home is on a chlorinated spray disposal system with ATU. Contacted E911 for a more current update as to ownership; no information available since 2006. Visited site. Signs of prior malfunction around the treatment plan. Due to the amount of surface water/rainwater present, unable to detect a sewage odor. Spray heads appear to be in working order. Home for sale. Contacted realtor. Realtor states will contact owner and ask them to contact this office. Due to evidence of a malfunction, will send an enforcement notice.
7/18/14 Licensed ATU representative contacted this office. There are electrical issues and the pump may have to be changed. Licensed installer will contact this office next week with further information as to the state of repairs.
8/22/14 Both the home owner and licensed ATU representative have contacted this office. Repairs scheduled for next week.
9/15/14 Another complaint for this site has been received at this office. Because repairs have not been completed, an enforcement notice will be sent. PHE will also visit site to determine if there is another violation.
9/16/14 Enforcement notice sent. Visited site. No wastewater on surface or leaving property, but still evidence of malfunction.
10/10/14 Certified enforcement notice returned; not signed for. Contacted property owners. Owners are separated and out of state. Emailed list of installers to an additional property owner.
10/30/14 Installer contacted this office. Repairs have been made. Changed GFI (outlet and receptacle), changed spray heads, cleaned pump, repaired chlorinator and flow switch. Licensed ATU representative will send a repair statement. PHE will visit site.
10/31/14 Visited site. Repairs made to system. No waste water on surface. No wastewater leaving property. Situation resolved.

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