View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  07/16/2014 
Complaint  Received two faxed (and later mailed copies) of complaints stating that wastewater was leaving the property and it smelled. Also was causing bad mosquitoes. 
Date Of Resolution  08/07/2014 
Investigation History  7/16/14-Recieved fax complaint letters for 218 Goliath Road
-Gave certified letter to office manager to mail to property owner at 4:20 pm
7/17/14- certified letter mailed per receipt
7/21/14-Received original complaint letters by mail
8/5/14-Was asked by Tate County Planning Commission to go to property & see about raw sewage. There were a bunch of leaking pipes under the trailer. Saw sewage pipe line, but couldn't find tank. Walked downhill about 100' from trailer, but it was hard to see anything. Too much overgrowth. Spoke with one of the property owner's son's per nephew's cell phone. Told him I would let him know my decision in a couple of days.
8/7/14-Tony Stacks, part property owner according to estate deed, came in with his wife to talk about the trailer and sewage. He said all occupants had left the trailer. He was going to clean up around it, so I could see around it and make sure everything was good. I told Mr. Stacks as long as the property is vacant, there shouldn't be any issues. If the occupants plan on coming back, let me take a look and make sure everything is in compliance. All graywater pipes under the trailer had to be fixed, sealed or replaced. He said ok. He would call me when it was ready to be checked.
8/15/14-received returned certified letter from the post office. 

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