View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  02/12/2015 
Complaint  sewer water and washer water running across my property from house owned by Brian White at 112 CR 251. you can see wet spots behind house and to right of house between my auto shop at property line. please check. 
Date Of Resolution  05/08/2015 
Investigation History  Site inspected 2/13/15. Wet spot with oily sheen noted along property line. Exposed pipe coming from house may be washer water. Will contact owner with letter and need to correct problem. Did not see any problem to right of house between property line & shop.

2/19 Letter mailed.

3/20 Letter hand-delivered

3/23 received call from Brian White; he will have a plumber tie grey water line into main septic system also 3/23 received letter mailed in Feb. marked unclaimed

4/7/8 received call from Jimmy Gates to check on status of complaint; gave him history shown above. Mr. Gates said there was a second area on his property that was intermittent but was easily seen today if I could look at also. I looked at area late pm 4/7 and area does appear to be wastewater from sink or other. Water had slight odor to it with oily sheen. Mr. Gates said his brother built and lived in the home and that he had run a kitchen sink and the washer to two different areas. These appear to be the two areas I have found on separate visits. I will notify the current owner of additional problem.

5/8/15 washer line connected to sewer line under house; problem corrected for now 

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