View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  09/26/2014 
Complaint  Complaint party states that water is running down their yard next to the garage and there has not been any rain. It has been happening all year long. They contacted the city. The city sent out Blake from the water department to find out where the water was coming from. Blake walked the neighboring properties and told Mr. & Mrs. Hanlin that is was sewage coming from the neighboring two properties. So, they called Joe Engel with the city, building inspector. He made the neighbors have their ATS system's pumped out. The problem is still ongoing. Mr. Manning has had is sock pipe repaired, but the problem still exists. 
Date Of Resolution  05/08/2015 
Investigation History  9/26/14- received complaint
10/28/14- verified property owner and mailing address. Mailed certified letter.
10/29/14- spoke with property owner and he had certified installer, Milton Taylor, repair & redo his sock pipe at the end of September. Current Property owner, Trey Manning, states it is a drainage problem from when the subdivision was built.
5/8/15- went to check area with sock pipe while following up on the neighbor's overland discharge to the culvert. 2 small places where the dirt has settled around sock pipe. Nothing running to the drainage area. Complaintant was upset when this property owner drained their inground swimming pool because their home is at the end of the subdivision drainway and all the swimming pool water flooded their yard. Neighbor living at 1708 Hwy 51 stated this information.
-Complaint closed for this property. 

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