View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  09/26/2014 
Complaint  Russ & Jean Hanlin are complaining about their neighbors at 1684 & 1708 Hwy 51 S. Water has been running onto their property next to the garage all summer. They called the city of Senatobia. The city sent out Blake who walked the neighbors properties and stated that is was sewage leaving the property. The Hanlin's then called the building inspection, Joe Engel, who made the property owners pump out their ATS systems. The problem is still happening. The property located at 1684 has had their sock pipe redone and repaired by Milton Taylor. 
Date Of Resolution  08/17/2015 
Investigation History  9/26/14- received complaint letter
10/28/14- verified property owner & mailing address. Mailed certified letter.
12/15/14- sent 2nd letter via regular mail
12/17/14- spoke with property owner. She said to come out & speak with them whenever.
5/8/15- Made inspection. Overland discharge is running to culvert that goes to neighbor's property. Manifold no longer there. Spoke with property owner. She was upset and called installer, Lawrence Hoskins.
-Spoke with Mr. Hoskins about trying to repair system. He said he would call me next week & meet me out there to talk about options.
*Please note: this whole complaint is about the neighbor's at 1684 Hwy 51 draining their ingroud swimming pool and letting it run down the drainway and it pooled in the neighbor's yard at 1730 Hwy 51 S because they are at the end of the drainway.*
5/25/15- Left a message for Mr. Hoskins to contact me. Haven't heard about meeting him at this property.
5/27/15- Mr. Hoskins contacted me. He stated he hasn't forgotten about this complaint. He has been to the property. He is going to fill in the drainway and reroute it further down. Then he is going to put some sock pipe out in the front. This should keep everything on their property. It has been delayed due to the rain.
8/17/2015 - Repairs have been made. Discharge is not running to drainway/culvert. Complaint Closed. 

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