View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/24/2015 
Complaint  Waste from next door is running on her property and it's getting worse. 
Date Of Resolution  02/02/2016 
Investigation History  4/24/15 - Received complaint letter
4/28/15 - Mailed certified letter
5/2/15 - Received return receipt signed by property owner
5/8/15 - Went to property and saw a positive outlet on the septic tank. Renter spoke with me stating the property owner had been out. They have already contacted a certified installer. Once new system has been installed, installer would be calling for an inspection.
5/18/15 - Received a call from the complaining property owner. She stated that they just extended the pipe and the sewage is still running on her property.
6/16/15 - No response from property owner or certified installer. Sent certified letter with 30 days to repair. Enclosed are copies of Rule 1.1.4, Section 41-67-21 & an Official Notice of Public Health Violation.
9/22/15 - Have not heard from property owner. Has been given over 90 days. Reinspection 9/4/15 showed a positive outlet on the septic tank leaving the property. Mailing a 10 day letter by regular mail. Returned receipt not returned on last letter & last letter wasn't returned.
9/28/15 - Mrs. Winters called & left voicemail
-3:55 pm, left voicemail message/no answer
-4:42 pm, spoke with Mrs. Winters. She said she was relying on Chris Sandridge to handle the situation & obviously, it hadn't been. Said it's hard for her to get up this way when she's working 12-13 hour days. Said I would try to scan & email her a list of certified installers. Should be contacting me in a week.
10/12/15 - Spoke with installer, Douglas Davis. He was wanting to know the situation & possible repair options. He was going to look at wastewater complaint & get back in touch with me.
1/13/16 - No response on repair or from property owner. 10 day notice sent for charges.
1/25/16 - Left a voicemail on Mrs. Winters answering machine, 9:50 am.
-Saw Bill Harmon this morning. Giving her a price on a new ATS. Adding field lines will not work!!!!
- Saw Bill Harmon, under Laurence Hoskins, about this property. He asked if additional field lines could be added. I told him no. A new ATS would need to be put in with a manifold. There was a reason there was a positive outlet on this system. He said ok. Gave him my cell phone number to contact me.
1/26/16 - Bill Harmon called me around 9:15 am. Putting in a new system on 1/27/16.
1/27/16 - Spoke with Bill Harmon. Putting system in tomorrow morning, 1/28/16.
1/28/16 - New system has been installed.
2/2/16 - Received fax from Laurence Hoskins , affidavit. 

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