View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/12/2016 
Complaint  The field line is leaking at the end and running into a ditch (owner is Marvin Hight, 293-0383) 
Date Of Resolution  05/16/2016 
Investigation History  4/19--letter of correction sent

4/22--Mr. Hight left message; he has made repairs to system in the past and had tank pumped 4 weeks ago; he said that he knows there are still some issues with field line that need to be taken care of

4/26--phone call to Mr. Hight; left message for him to call me back

4/28--site visit; observe small amount of water in ditch on each side of driveway, but no odor; no other ww observed anywhere near the ditch

5/3--left message for Mr. Hight to call me back

5/13--left message with Mr. Hight to call me back

5/16--spoke to me hight--will bring regional supervisor to look at property because mr hight has concerns about drainage z s getting hooked up to city sewer

5/18--regional supervisor sp oke with mr. hight and gave some numbers at the city to call; complaint is closed 

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