View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/21/2016 
Complaint  For the third time since moving into my new apartment on January 30, the plumbing in the building in which my apartment is located has become backed up, causing my bathroom to become flooded with sewage water. The first time that this happened on March 1, the sewage water, containing the flushed urine and feces, began pouring from my bathroom ceiling, ruining all of my bathroom accessories and creating a mess that I cleaned by myself. Proper measures by the landlord were not taken to ensure that the floors, ceilings, walls, etc. were adequately sanitized within my bathroom. Sewage water also leaked into my hallway carpet, which was never cleaned. After having the issue fixed by the maintenance man, although no one was sent to disinfect my bathroom, I was told that no further issues would arise. Last week, the plumbing became backed up again, although instead of leaking from my ceiling, sewage water began draining into my bathroom through my toilet and bathtub drain. The issue remained unresolved until last Saturday. My bathroom was continuously flooded with sewage water everyday from last Tuesday through Saturday. A plumber was sent to fix the issue on Saturday, and someone was finally sent to remove the sewage water from my bathroom on Monday, after having been dormant in my bathroom for several days. When cleaning my bathroom, only my bathtub was properly sanitized. My floors, toilet, and bathroom sink are still covered in the remnants of the sewage water. Several health codes have been violated, in addition to my "implied warranty of habitability" upon signing my lease. I am unsure if I am safe to use my bathroom currently, due to the contamination still remaining. I am also unsure of whether or not my bathroom will be flooded again, as this event has occurred several times since March 1st. I have also contacted the landlord, regarding the monetary reimbursement for prepaid rent that I am legally obligated to collect, though I have had no response. 
Date Of Resolution  04/27/2016 
Investigation History  Left message with complainant to call back. Indicated to complainant in message that according to the description of the complaint, this would not be a matter for the health dept to become involved, but rather a civil issue between she and her landlord. 

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