View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/27/2016 
Complaint  There is a house and a trailer that has occupants in it that has not had any wastewater facilities installed. They have no official addresses, the trailer is located on Road 1015 next to House #135, the house is located on Lakewood Drive, in sight of the the other address. Both are owned by the same person. The person living in the house is named Willie Topps. I'm not sure if he owns these properties, or not. 
Date Of Resolution  05/12/2016 
Investigation History  Did not find any wastewater. The address given to me was mr kennedys the guy complaining. He was not at home no one would answer the door. No answer on the phone. There at least 8 to 10 trailers on the rd 1015 I looked around and did not see anything. Did not smell anything. Will close un till I get better info. 

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