View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/28/2016 
Complaint  What is complaint: My land lord is a very cheap lady and does not like to fix ?ANYTHING?. Our toilets have been stopped up for a month and she really wasn?t going to do anything about it. She just kept telling us to pour pipe cleaner down the toilets, but that did not help at all. After complaining and complaining, and a little more of complaining, she finally hired someone to look at the plumbing. He told her that the problem was the septic tank. Instead of getting this fixed professionally, she hired a ?shade tree plumber? to run a pipeline from the house, to the side woods. Now, all of our waste is flowing in the woods, on the side of the house, in the backyard, and with all of the rain, it is no telling where our waste is flowing to. This has to be the nastiest, most disgusting thing that someone could do. It has to be unsanitary and very illegal. ?Very Illegal? Something has to be done. There is mold all in the house that she will not attend to. Instead of fixing the mold, she takes spray paint and tries to cover it up, but it is just only getting worst. I have young children. Can you help us please. Please contact me back. Alt #- 662-705-1908 
Date Of Resolution  08/18/2016 
Investigation History  Visited site. Observed open sewer pipe goin into woods. Left message with complainant for more info.

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