View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/28/2016 
Complaint  The house located next to me has human waste on their property. We have contacted the landlord and he refuses to fix the problem. I have a issue with that, because it is coming over to my property. I have grandchildren and pets that play in my yard. It is sad that we can't sit outside because of the pungent order. The order is in our homes as well. Now that it is getting warmer outside, the property will attract bugs, diseases, and rodents. Please assist with this matter. 
Date Of Resolution  05/23/2016 
Investigation History  I visited the property and found raw sewage discharging off the property. With this being in the city limits I informed city hall and Carlon Williams Director of Planning and Zoning. I also sent a email to Jamon Rucker at DEQ 

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