View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  05/19/2016 
Complaint  camper in back yard used as residence leaking onto my property- camper placed next to my property line. 
Date Of Resolution  08/02/2016 
Investigation History  06/06/2016:

I observed a small camper with a makeshift septic tank located on the south property line. There is also a mobile home present on the two acre tract, in addition to an old home that has caved in but hasn't been removed. There was an elderly lady present who seemed very confused when I discussed the situation with her. I left a telephone number for her grandson to call me when he returned.


I spoke with the grandson about filing a notice of intent so that we could assess the feasibility of obtaining a medical necessity letter to tie the camper into the mobile home's existing system.


While visiting another site in the area, I noticed that the camper was no longer present in the yard.


The camper has been removed. 

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