View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  06/06/2016 
Complaint  Mr. Jim Pinkerton, 2 CR 504 at Como (662-526-0122), states that septic tank runoff from Mr. Billingsley's rental property at 337 Hwy 310 runs onto his property, creating odor and nuisance. The residents of the rental property are ready for this to be fixed as well.

Property owner with the failing system is Mr. Steve Billingsley. He resides at 132 CR 509 in Como. His phone number is 662-526-9655.

Take Hwy 7 N from Oxford, turn left (west) onto Hwy 310. Continue on to Harmontown. There are two separate stretches of CR 504, both along the south side of Hwy 310. The septic discharge from the rent house should be visible. Call complainant for better directions. 
Date Of Resolution  07/12/2016 
Investigation History  Duplicate complaint.  

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