View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  11/14/2016 
Complaint  There is mold within the household. The landlord will not spray for pests or rodents that keep coming within the household. My kids keep getting sick. We were going to buy a home but someone came with a better offer so we got stuck here for 6 more months to a year. Instead of fixing things as promised the landlords are complaining about money issues but if we fix they are still expecting rent. We are trying to find something affordable but I myself was just in a car accident last Thursday and lost a child by miscarriage as well as experiencing knee problems and back problems. I just want everything fixed properly while we are here. If not is there any way these landlords can be put on probation until this house has all repairs made. There was a realtor as well that did an appraisal for us named Judy Smith with Caldwell Banker. She said the house was not liveable. There is mold and mildew present and all landlords keep saying is spray bleach on it. Now they are sending messages to our phones saying our lease is up and we need to move out. Pretty much so they can move someone else in that does not know any better. The septic system is always backing up since the tree roots have taken over the piping since we have been here last winter. There are too many outside open holes and wthin the garage for rats and spiders to come in. My kids have been on breathing treatments recently now just humidifiers and air purifiers. We have been trying to find better without paying over 1000 for rent because we have other bills too that why we opted to buy our own home but everything has been selling so fast. without down payment money or any type of assistance we had to find a place that does 100% financing like Adams Homes or D.R. Horton. 
Date Of Resolution  11/28/2016 
Investigation History  MS Deot if Health does not regulate or inspect mold issues. 

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