View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  01/09/2017 
Complaint  For 3 years now this residence has had a collapsed field drain on they're septic system, sewage is Literally flowing on top of the soil under their house in the yard the entire property pretty much is contaminated with waste. They are aware of the problem and refuse to fix it. They're well is to close to septic as well, almost everyone in the area is or has gotten ill I believe it is because of this contamination and pollution. I'm sure it has contaminated the entire community in which they live. Even the animals out there are dying. They don't seem to care even they're trailer is not up to code. The old man who owns the property knows a lot of high people so people are scared that nothing will be done about this matter. Something needs to be done. They know they are doing wrong they have tried pouring dirt gravel all kinds of things on top top of the septic, that is not helping the problem the soil and water is contaminated. And the surrounding areas are bird land the im sure they will be contaminated soon if not already, this is wet lands so it's traveling pretty quickly. They are very nasty people. 
Date Of Resolution  01/10/2017 
Investigation History  Visited site, not sure of which home. Visited later in day with Ben and Kevin, concluded must have better directions. No mailbox or home located on road with 9021 displayed. All mailboxes on one side of road as well, no home with 9021 on it. Complaintant left no contact information to contact for more information. If Complaintant calls please give better directions or have them contact me directly.

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