View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  03/09/2017 
Complaint  We experienced septic back up in the trailer we were renting. Every few months yhe septic yank would have to be pumped but this was after we complained about septic back up in the toilet and tub and kitchen sink. In Decmber of 2016, a septic tank company came to pump it out and discovered the system was failing. We were not told this by the landlord. We were only told to start looking for a place soon because she (landlord) was not going to put any money into another system for the house. Instead she was going to find a smaller family to live in such conditions. We spent weeks not being able to flush the toliet correctly or wash clothing due to the back up going back into our tub. I have videos and pictures of the experience. I had to bleach and sanitize everyday kust so my children could bathe. Numerous times i was so frustrated with it all i just bathe each in the sink. 
Date Of Resolution  03/23/2017 
Investigation History  3/21/17:
I called the complainant to discuss the issues. She was incoherent when she answered the phone.

3/23/17: Multiple attempts have been made to speak with the complainant. Messages have been left and not returned. 

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