View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/13/2017 
Complaint  Appears to be no septic tank, raw sewage seen draining from PVC pipe down the hill. You can watch as they flush paper and what not out pipe On left side of trailer paper and raw Sewage build up under pipe as it falls out and smell throughout neighborhood. Smell is unbearable daily . Owner seems to think since he lives in county and his trailer has been here for so long he does not need a tank .  
Date Of Resolution  02/26/2018 
Investigation History  Site visit; observed pipe on side of trailer; owner states that they will get a system installed

4/19--letter sent

5/22--have a hole dug for septic tank and want someone to come look at it

5/25--looked at hole and discussed where field line needs to go

2/26/2018--observe dirt work indicating a tank has been installed 

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