View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  05/30/2017 
Complaint  There are two mobile homes and a camper on the property. I was told you had to have two acres for a septic tank for one home. How can they have one septic tank and one power pole for two. 
Date Of Resolution  07/18/2017 
Investigation History  attempted to locate site. mail boxes listed do not have a marked 307 on the side. PHE will have to research area and issue a right of entry letter for inspection of the iowds system that they are currently using. PHE also to investigate in wastewater database for site to see if there is previous history on the site.

7/18.2017 unable to locate this area. Gps doesn't show location of the site in question. Case closed until further notice or a contact person is listed to meet up with or discuss area in question.  

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