View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  08/05/2017 
Complaint  For about 6 weeks raw sewage water has been running on property. I've call Aronald water about about 6 weeks ago, and brought it to his attention about a major water leak. The water company has been cutting tress and laying pipes. After the rain left I've notice green , smelly Water running in the area they worked on. I call Arnold line water and spoke to CR DIXSON, and he advise me that it wasn't his problem , CR was so ugly and rude. The smell so bad, that it is in my house , the house is so close to were sewage is running. I pay sewage to WEST OVER WEST, which Arnold water takes the payments ... CR DIXSON IS CURRENTLY in the news now for operating business a following snd not state guide lines ... PLEASE HELP 
Date Of Resolution  08/10/2017 
Investigation History  Environmentalist confirmed that complaintant is on central sewer and that they could report to MDEQ any problems because they permit the Arnold line/westover west sewer system !


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