View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  08/07/2017 
Complaint  This is the second complaint of my neighbors septic waste draining onto my property, now one side of my property is totally saturated with waste and will not dry out. The waste in now threating to spill over and saturate the other side of my property running through my front yard. There is a smell in the saturated area. I have advised them several times of this matter and its not fixed. The septic has been pumped but it continues to run out water and waste like a faucet. It appears to be a septic failure that they continue to use and have contaminated my property. 
Date Of Resolution  08/10/2017 
Investigation History  Received assignment 8/8

8/10/2017 - Visited site and confirmed no repairs had been made since last visit. Observed flowing as before.

Filed Affidavit in Rankin Justice Court.

See original complaint for complete history

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