View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/09/2018 
Complaint  My apartment building is on a waste system that has all of the pipes in the building connected in one. The waste is not being delivered to a septic tank, instead it is being pushed out of an open pipe that drains onto my front porch area and into a hole beneath my living room. It is visible just by walking by. I have photo and video. Anytime someone flushes their toilet or showers the waste is expelled there and you can clearly see toilet paper and human excrement coming out of the open pipe. I have emailed my apartment manager and included photos but I was ignored. I have placed several work orders and a maintenance man comes by and unstops my toilet but does nothing about the waste that is leaking on the walk way. I cannot open my front door without the smell of sewer engulfing my home. Sometimes it can even be smelled with all doors and windows closed.  
Date Of Resolution  05/08/2018 
Investigation History  Observed that that system was repaired spoke with Mr.Birdwell apartment manager, Receive a work order for repairs. 

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