View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  10/11/2005 
Complaint  Mr. Milton Craig installed a septic tank and sprinkler system at my home in February of 2002. I statrted having problems in February 2005. Mr. Craig came out, told me it was a ruptured line under ground but the ground was too wet to dig. He promised me he would come back once the soil dry. As of today, he has not returned. I've called several times. He will tell me he's coming out, I never see him. Now when my sprinkler come on there is a foul odor through the air. Your prompt response will be appreciated. 
Date Of Resolution  10/11/2005 
Investigation History  Observed the following:

1. There was not a riser on pump tank to access the components.
2. Spray head #3 does not work.
3. Mr. Bragg said he was never given a copy of the warranty, just an invoice. Copy on file
4. No chlorine tablets in the chlorinator.
5. System needs to pumped out.

Property owner was given information on system maintance. Will refer to Eugene Herring.  

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