View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  05/18/2018 
Complaint  There is a business in front of our property ,and they are also building a home beside the business , we are in the city of Brandon but have no sewerage service , I need to make sure the sewage is not running into our pond that divide s our property and see what plans and just to make sure the sewage is not running in pond , I have a treatment plant behind my house , but it appears the pond is close to building ,thanks so much for your help
Jackie Dyess  
Date Of Resolution  05/23/2018 
Investigation History  Received assignment 5/21/18.

5/23/2018 -

In response to your complaint against subject address, I visited there this morning. I did not observe any wastewater anywhere near the pond, but did observe where there appears to be a septic tank on the east side of the building. But later inside, I observed no bathroom facilities, not even sinks in use. Therefore, there would be no wastewater going into the system, thus nothing coming out.

I did not observe any indications that wastewater had been discharging into the pond in the past.

I then spoke with the property owner via phone who confirmed the building had been vacant for about a year.

Conclusion: At this time I could not confirm any violation of state wastewater law and
regulations. The owner was informed that, if in the future, there is a system malfunction (discharge off his property and/or into the pond) that would constitute a violation andrepairs would have to be made.

As far as the house to be built on the adjacent property, they are aware that they will have to get a Permit/Recommendation from the Health Department for a Wastewater System for that residence 

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