View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  05/19/2018 
Complaint  Unsatisfactory septic tank installation. Experiencing difficult usage of bathroom facilities due to improper field line placement (Uphill), lack of gravel as bedding material for field lines and possibly high water table. Complainant has Mississippi Health Department soil evaluations indicating high water table and sandy loam subsoil materials. Mr. Bird feels the heavy late winter rains have created the majority of the problem coupled with the soils. 
Date Of Resolution  06/06/2018 
Investigation History  I visited the site to investigate the complaint. I was able to speak with Mrs. Davenport and her son.

According to the davenports, and installer William Byrd installed a septic tank and field line at the residence. This was done without a recommendation from the MSDH. According to Mrs Davenport, the system never drain properly from the time it was installed. This included toilets etc. backing up. Soils were found to not be suitable for conventional septic tank and field line installation.

After the issues with the septic system, a notice of intent was filed, and an ATS with overland discharge was installed at the property.

An enforcement notice will be sent to Mr. Byrd.

Mr. Davenport likely pursue financial restitution in court.


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