View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  12/03/2018 
Complaint  I own over 9 acres of land located at 1075 S. 1st in Brookhaven. On this piece of land I have a 2 1/2 fully stocked pond, . There has been a vacant home next door to my property where a couple recently moved in, . The sewerage from their home is now filtering into my pond. I am in desperate need of help, and advise as to how this problem is to be resolved. I am requesting that my pond is tested for contaminated water. Please call me before you come out to check the land my best contact # is 773-416-0317 or 601-754-7500. Thank you in advance for your help  
Date Of Resolution  12/05/2018 
Investigation History  Saw no exposed pipe but it did appear to have water at the surface that smelled like grey water. I told the complainer to get the property owner?s name and mailing address and email it to me. 

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