View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  01/02/2019 
Complaint  VERY SERIOUS, CONTAMINATING NATURAL WATER WAY!!!. There are two house on this property and neither one has proper waste disposal. Both houses pour raw sewage onto the ground and runs downhill to a nearby ditch. This has been going on for YEARS. The home owner has made no attempt to repair this problem, raw sewage sits under the trailer and the sewage pipes run downhill on top of the ground, no connection to septic system. VERY disgusting and makes the entire area smell horrid. PLEASE call or email me if there?s anything I can do to help in this matter.  
Date Of Resolution  08/02/2021 
Investigation History  visited this property, but no sewage was observed, I will contact the person who made the complaint to make sure this was the property.

08/02/2021 i visited this property and no sewage was observed. complaint will be closed 

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