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Date Of Complaint  02/07/2019 
Complaint  CONFIDENTIAL: NOT FOR RE-POST OR RE-EMAIL. This is an update to a prior complaint. I hope this information is useful, rather than being a nuisance. THANK YOU for the Health Department's prompt response of a month ago or so.

Reportedly, the new owners immediately contacted Supervisor Havard just as soon as the Health Dept. representatives showed up that day. Havard sold this two-acre parcel to them reportedly with a wink and a nod they could use it as a commercial trailer park. It was sold at a grossly inflated price. In 2005, Supervisor Havard made sure he was the first to receive the FEMA plans post-Katrina. He immediately steered the FEMA monies and proposed trailer park installations to his own parcels on Katie Eubanks, sometimes using straw men, misrepresenting the parcels to FEMA as existing trailer parks. Another Havard-steered and protected park was the Kittrell park, Lucedale, one that is still operating. Supervisor Havard has been infuriated when he was not allowed to reopen the other two parks in this community for financial benefit as his friend Kittrell was allowed to do; and he personally stopped here in 2008 to berate me personally and to intimidate me for my reasonable objection due to health concerns. I had never met Larry Havard before and did not know who he was. Of course, the Havard parcels never were trailer parks; and the parcel sizes were inadequate for the sizes of the presented parks for Katrina refugees. It was actually astonishing, inasmuch as there is no deficit of unused acreage in George County to accommodate the hurricane parks. There was no need for a Supervisor to exploit the situation for his own financial aims. Thus, when the new septic tanks went in, the field lines were thrown into the hole with each of the tanks, and immediately approved as satisfactory by the then engineer Darren or Darryl (Health Dept.). There simply was no physical room to put in customary field lines for any of the septic tanks, and there were 12 and 20 tanks, respectively, as I recall. In other words, it was wrong, from a health perspective, to put these parks in in the very first place. Since then, there never have been any field lines. Large sewage lagoons on the surface were commonplace in these two Havard parks when used. It remains unknown what Havard's purpose was when he showed up for a meet and greet with the Health Dept. at 164 Tut Road recently. However, it now appears that structure #1, a construction trailer being used as a residence and occupied, is now hooked up to one of the former FEMA park septic tanks, with no lines. Formerly, as reported, the septic went directly into the ground adjacent to this trailer and had been this way for about a year and a half.

Trailer #2, occupied by a family of five, likewise reportedly drained right into the ground. The abandoned septic tank on the mid southern end of the property was not hooked up to. It remains unknown whether or not this family also re-routed their septic line somewhere else post the Health Dept. visit. They work after dusk and at night digging, and have been spending nights digging under Trailer #2, where their chief (but unknown) concern lies. Trailer #3 on this one-acre parcel (the other acre is separate and is the former FEMA park) is a doublewide, which the family and others are working on to renovate. The status of the septic system of this doublewide remains unknown. But, there are now three dwellings on one acre here.

Most of the people residing on Katie Eubanks Road are senior citizens. One is in her 80s. One resident is deathly sick with a terminal condition. I, too, am of "senior" age. Any assistance you could provide to ensure this is not a Havard Katrina Park Sewage Tsunami II would be greatly appreciated. It seems it is the community vs. a hostile and greedy supervisor, and we are losing. We have been losing. Thank you.  
Date Of Resolution  02/08/2019 
Investigation History  Stephanie and I have visited this site multiple times. There is no sewer discharge from the two existing mobile homes. The third home recently did an application with us for their wastewater permit. We again walked the entire property and did not find any malfunctions with the original two homes. There is plenty of room for a new system for this new double wide and a recommendation has been issued for that home. We talked with the two families at the property. They are related (brothers) and are not renting these homes for public use. Therefore, according to our definition of a Manufactured Home Development, this would not be considered a commercial site. 

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