View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  02/21/2019 
Complaint  Michael Flynn owns the trailor park has one trailor sewage going in a pond has people living there. The health department came one time before but he did not have people living in the trailor and and unhooked it and moved the pipe so they wouldn't see it. Then he put it back all most all of the trailors are going in the pond and on the ground all most all of the trailors does not have septic tanks and one of the ones that does has a chicken house feeder for a septic tank and one trailor sewage is going on the ground people smells poop every time it rains. 
Date Of Resolution  03/06/2019 
Investigation History  Unable to locate there is no street marker for this area. will attempt to locate via several area tax assessors map, other mapping sites to properly assess this area. Ben Kelly will be in the area next week and since this is a mobile home park I will take him out to the site to assess it post location on the map. If complainant calls back, please attain some form of directions to this site.  

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