View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  03/12/2019 
Complaint  There is a swimming pool located on the south side of Palmer Dr in Hernando that has been abandoned since end of season 2017. It belongs to the country club which changed hands last year. The pool still holds water and it is accessible for children to get in through the space in the gate. Mosquitoes were huge issue last year. Mounds of dirt have been placed on property and are unsightly and overgrown. This has become a dump site with no approved plans at this time to rezone the property. It sits in the middle of a really nice neighborhood. We have contacted Mayor Tom Ferguson and our alderman Gary Higdon and no action has been taken. We just get responses they will look into it. The initial contact was last May 2018 when my neighbor reached out to the mayor and planning director. The country club now goes by the name Hernando Golf and Racquet Club, 662-429-0317, 1000 Bradley Drive. Two of the partners names are Drew Priest (901-258-7888) and John Stevenson. We feel their is a danger regarding breeding mosquitoes and disease as well as liability for possible drowning of children. We would appreciate any assistance you can give us in this matter. Thank you, Paula Lambert 
Date Of Resolution  03/19/2019 
Investigation History  I visited this property and observed he pool not in operation. The gate was locked, but pictures was taken. I will forward to supervisor  

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