View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  05/06/2019 
Complaint  Seems that some people that live in this neighborhood are not treating their septic tanks or their septic tanks are broken/malfunctioning. On a daily/weekly basis, the pungent smell of RAW HUMAN SEWAGE permeates my neighborhood (Sherwood Forest). There is a wooded area that separates the two neighborhoods, and there are sprayers that spray water/or untreated sewage into that area. This has been going on for at least 3 years, and this is my second time complaining about this matter. PLEASE HELP! The summer and hot weather is coming! 
Date Of Resolution  06/17/2019 
Investigation History  Called no answer, no specific info to work with. Drove around what i think was the area in question saw no wastewater but not sure i was in right area. Will try back later.
6-17-19 have called several times no answer, have knocked on the door no answer . Will close till i get better info. 

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