View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  10/09/2019 
Complaint  Waste water is coming on my property at 42 Adcock Drive Batesville Ms, this waste water is coming from the property next door 6 Adcock Drive Batesville Ms. We are getting ready to put in a new trailer and we can not do anything until this water problem is solved. Water is standing in the driveway and ditch at our property. We have talked to the home owner, but have had no luck getting them to fix the problem.  
Date Of Resolution  01/26/2021 
Investigation History  I visited this property and observed a pipe that was discharging sewage water onto the neighbors land. a 30 day letter will be sent

02/06/2020 I visited this property on a follow up. no correction had been made. I obtained a copy of the legal description and survey from the Ms. Grace

01/26/2021 went to court case was passed to the file due to no one was living in the home at the time. also took pictures before court. 

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