View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  02/18/2006 
Complaint  Mr King installed a water treatment plant replacing an existing septic system at the subject address. The installation appears to have added loads to the piping system resulting in a broken line under the house porch. Additionally, he did not install a clean out. He was paid separately to install a clean out; however, all he did was knock a hole in the top of the line near the house and placed a 4-inch line over the hole without sealing it. This would permit ground water to leak into the system. When contacted, he claimed he did not know what a clean-out fitting was. I have since purchased a two-way clean-out fitting to install. Mr. King established the grade of the discharge line by blocking up the line. This practice I believe contributed to the loads that broke the line under the house. As the line he installed settled, it has reacted the bending forces under the house where the break occurred. Mr. King had to be requested repeatedly to collapse and backfill the old septic tank. When he finished, there was still a hole in the yard.  
Date Of Resolution  08/11/2006 
Investigation History  At the time of the inspection by James Hampton and Francis Clark an atu had been installed on this property. It appeared that the discharge point was discharging into a drainway. Will contact District 5 Environmental Supervisor.

An enforcement notice was sent by regular mail and certified

A hearing was set by the district office at the district office for 9:00 am

Had a hearing at the district office. 

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