View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/29/2020 
Complaint  Wastewater been leaking for months, Have made call to owner
Of the property and he don?t care. It?s running through the pine trees that been planted for month. It starting to come out at the bottom of the hill when it rains. It?s my Neighbor property by the road, to the east of me by the fence
The house is Next door facing house on right 
Date Of Resolution  11/09/2020 
Investigation History  On the day of this inspection did verify that there is significant system failure from what appear to be septic tank and undetermined amount of fieldline that has been previously installed. It appeared that effluent was surfacing to the top of the ground flowing off the property behind the rental home. Renters stated that they have notified the owner but with no action has been taken to rectify the situation. Enforcement notice pending on mailing information for the property owner who?s is the landlord.

Renters did not follow up on submitting landlord info. Still waiting on Landlord correct mailing info and name.

No repairs have been made. Affidavit for justice court to be filed.

Existing application was filed and repair recommendations completed.

A new ATS was installed. System replacement had been made. 

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