View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  07/06/2020 
Complaint  I currently reside at 443 Quincy Avenue in Clarksdale, MS. There is a rodent infestation at my place of rental. I have contacted landlord Mr. Alfred Jones on numerous times and he denies that the rodents are in the rental property and have a colony. I have exhausted all measures and I am now filling this report as a last resort. I have small kids and a small child whom keeps breaking out and I am unable to figure out the source of his steady sickness and read that rodent infestation could cause some of the symptoms in which he has. Also, due to continued raw sewage leaks, the grounds under the home are soiled and causes a very no so pleasant smell to be distributed throughout my place of rental.  
Date Of Resolution  07/15/2020 
Investigation History  Referred to the city of Clarksdale for abatement  

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