View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  08/27/2020 
Complaint  Property has a dumpy trailer behind an old dumpy house.There has never been any septic system installed, instead owner has all wastewater from both residences dumping directly on the ground toward the dirt road which always has standing human waste that dogs continually get all over them. I?m extremely concerned that this will lead to diseases being transmitted one way or another. The rest of us follow guidelines for human waste treatment, I?m not sure why they are not made to follow the same rules that we all have to follow. If this does not receive attention to correct the issue I will be using the next channel available to ensure this problem is rectified Immediately. I also think property owner should be responsible for environmental cleanup cost, not every taxpayer in ms.  
Date Of Resolution  09/02/2020 
Investigation History  Rode by site. Referred to Ben Kelly. He is scheduled to go to the complaint on Wednesday September 9. 

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