View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  09/07/2020 
Complaint  SECOND COMPLAINT. So far, we have seen no response from the county health department. The owners living at this address are expanding an illegal trailer park on these rural 2 acres. Prior, the State of MS Health Dept. indicated only 1 dwelling per 2 acres is allowed. Already, the owners have placed: 3 trailers and 1 double-wide on ONE ACRE. As of last week, there are now 4 trailers on the 1 acre. The trailers are being rented out to multi-families. The average family size is 6 people. This small plot cannot process this amount of sewage. It already has poor drainage, flooding several inches during big rain events. Today, the owners are chopping brush and shoveling at the former (defunct) FEMA trailer park on their 2nd acre. Despite the State of MS's mandates disallowing usage of these tanks, the owners have hooked up to one tank there already (the tanks have no field lines). It seems they are preparing to hook up new trailers to the other unusable tanks...COVERTLY. They are directly across the street from wetlands. And, at least 2 adjacent families on Tut Road and Katie Eubanks rely on water wells. But, the local health department has done nothing to stop this illegal trailer park. This presents a crucial health risk to the community, which is mostly comprised of elderly citizens. Can anyone explain why these new owners are not forced to comply with the State of Mississippi laws regarding wastewater and commercial trailer parks? Thank you for your assistance.  
Date Of Resolution  09/17/2020 
Investigation History  Stephanie and I have looked at this multiple times. There are no wastewater issues at this property as of this time.  

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