View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  10/03/2020 
Complaint  There are up to 10 to 15 people staying at this address in a shed. There no electricity, sewage and the only water is what they tote in. There is also 3 small kids maybe 3 to 5 years old, how are they bathing and using the bathroom. They have turned this lot into a garbage dump. Our concern is all the people living here and where is all the sewage going
There are several concerned neighbors on this street 
Date Of Resolution  10/16/2020 
Investigation History  Saw no evidence of many people living at this residence. There was no septic problem, they are using an existing septic system that has been rehabilitated and I gave them an existing septic system lot approval. There is a garbage problem, I will refer this to the MDEQ. 

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