View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  03/11/2021 
Complaint  Septic issues. Neighbor is complaining that septic has backed up and rather than having septic repaired, she has removed lid from septic tank to let it run off, possibly into Stump Lake and into neighbor's yard. 
Date Of Resolution  03/19/2021 
Investigation History  Environmentalist investigated property on March 19, 2021 to find that the clean out lid was off of the system. No visible sewage was on the ground at the time and Polaroids were taken to confirm. Polaroids were sent to Ben KELLY for his observation Regional wastewater supervisor on March 19, 2021.

09/21/2021? PHE anthony claytor was called by complainant listed as mr. Bill Schnieder about complaint on property. Informed that he was given my name and number via the call center staff. mr. schnieder texted PHE picture of complaint. PHE called and spoke with complainant. Informed that property owner next door has had repeated issues with her taking off the clean out to relieve pressure and discharge sewer onto that ground. Text from yesterday saved in phe?s phone confirming positive discharge. PHE informed that this is normally not my county of assignment, but to provide professional services for this citizen informed that i would go out on 09/22/2021 to visually verify this complaint on site.

09/22/2021: PHE went to Lamar county to property address for complainant at 9 treasure point. Met with mr. Bill Schneider on his lands and verified the discharge that was sent out yesterday. The clean out on the left hand side of the house if facing 15 treasure point was taken off. Raw sewage was notated and picture were taken. PHE informed complainant about the proper process of certified letter and 30 enforcement action. Informed that i would have to confirm things via the Lamar county tax assessors office. PHE called the tax collectors office on above notated date. Confirmed that property owner at 15 treasure point is a mrs. Kathy Cook PPIN10183. Enforcement action to occur. PLEASE SEE NEW PROPERTY LISTING UNDER MAIN DATABASE WHERE ENFORCEMENT ACTION AND PICTURES TO BE UPLOADED. LOCATE UNDER KATHY COOK @ 15 treasure point hattiesburg. Lamar county.  

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