View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  04/26/2022 
Complaint  My neighbor, Mark Ferry, at 16 Tillery Place Ellisville Ms has, for a very long time, refused to use hypocalcium chlorite tablets in his residential waste treatment system. The smell from his sprayers is repulsive. In addition, he has a sprinkler head that runs water and does not sprinkle. This has created an untreated cyst pool in his yard. It is very nasty and repugnant.  
Date Of Resolution  08/25/2022 
Investigation History  PHE to issue out a letter to meet with property owner discussing the issue at hand about the smell. I didnt? notate any smell as of this afternoon however the spray heads were not on. Will have to confirm who the property owner is via the tax assessors office and then issue out letter for entry and discuss the requirements for proper onsite wastewater sanitation and disposal as per permit and regulations. ***also this was just assigned to PHEO officer as of yesterday 05/04/2022

05/06/2022 confirmation made with tax assessors office and confirmed that property owner for 16 tillery place is mr. Mark and Isela Ferry will attempt to meet with them since no one was home upon date of initial visit listed above. If no one is still home next week a letter will be issued out to property owners.

05/11/2022 letter to be issued out to property owner

8/16/2022 update from installer Austin Flower work is being done on replacing the spray heads and putting risers on the ATS unit. Informed that the risers need to be sealed today by installer. He will be out in the highlands subdivision tomorrow. Will make a visit with him tomorrow.

08/22/2022 PHEO met wth installer Austin Flowers out on this complaint. Tank with new riser put on chamber to keep run off water from coming into teh pump chamber. Also there was chlorine tablets in the plant and are wastewater grade per installer and PHEO officer verification. The spray head are working however with the massive amounts of rains some settling around two spray heads were notated. Installer is coming back to reinforce two spray heads so they don?t have angled spray off. Chlorinated effluent is contained on the prperty of the generator as of todays notated date. This complaint is closed.  

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