View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  09/15/2022 
Complaint  My wife, Pamela Ratliff, filed a complaint more than 6 months concerning sewer running over my property. Someone called her and told her that he was in the area the next week and he would check it out and She has not heard from anybody. Since then our family pet who frequently roams the property has died from a baterica infection which was told that it was from standing raw sewage that has also became a breathing ground for mosquitoes and other unwanted creatures (frogs,turtles). The area has become unmanageable because it is too wet to cut and is overgrown. When it rains the overflow flows into the adjacent creek because the water runs down the ditch continually in front of my house. The installer of the neighbors? sewage system that he fixed it to run in the direction of my property. This is the second written complaint and I asked that you contact me regarding this complaint . I would also like to be informed when the neighbor will be contacted and when the problem should be corrected. Please advised me of my next steps as well. 
Date Of Resolution  09/26/2022 
Investigation History  During this inspection no raw sewage nor mosquito breeding was seen. The whole yard was walk and appeared to be dry. The only area that was damp is where your spray heads are located.  

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