View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  09/19/2022 
Complaint  The neighbor at 305 South Steele Ave has their raw sewerage overflowing into both their yard and my adjacent yard. The odor is atrocious. Our yard is so wet that we cannot cut the grass in part of our yard. This has been going on for three months without resolution. Please contact me immediately. 6013451244 
Date Of Resolution  11/07/2022 
Investigation History  Problem located, photo taken, enforcement notice will be sent. Property owner said repairs had been made. Took 2 photos, 1 in front, 1 in back. The cap has been put on the pipe in back where the water was discharging, area is wet from surface water , low area water is accumulating, probed the water, No sewage odor, 11/7/22. 

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