View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  01/08/2008 
Complaint  The mobile home was removed from 561 Reel St. approx. 30 days ago; On 1/8/08, the same or similar mobile home was returned to the lot with NO improvements/upgrades to the wastewater/septic system. Previously, when this MH was occupied, the septic system overflowed above ground and into the ditches, which ultimately ran into Lake Ridgelea. This is a real health hazard and needs to be prevented before it happens again. There is also a very old, rusted propane/gas tank sitting in the yard. 
Date Of Resolution  01/08/2008 
Investigation History  Unfound complaint. Robert Shivers applied for a existing inspection. A thirty day temporary approval was granted. Will reinspect the system 1/31/08.
1/28/08 Mr. Shivers call to say he will not be moving into the trailer until 2/2/08. Will reinspect system 3/3/08.
1/30/08 Seal Digging Service installed a spray system. 

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