View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  12/04/2022 
Complaint  Since the George County Health Department and the State of Mississippi Health Department have established a legal precedent, the neighbors in this small, rural community want to know if they can each set up identical subdivisions on their two-acre plots, with one-half an acre set aside for a commercial trailer park, another half-acre set aside for a full-size modular dwelling, and about an acre for a new 1000 sf home to be built (with about nine septic tanks on the single acre, eight without any field lines at all). In other words, it is legal and proper to now have FIVE individual families living in FIVE different dwellings on a TWO-ACRE PARCEL with septic systems (not city) utilizing insufficient drainage lines. Thank you for your continuing patience, assistance, and elucidation. Merry Christmas. 
Date Of Resolution  12/14/2022 
Investigation History  Investigation made several times at this location with Stephanie Swinford. No violations observed.  

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