View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  12/04/2022 
Complaint  The owner of this property is moving RVs and trailers onto this three-acre parcel almost daily. It is now a de facto commercial trailer park. Did the owner apply for a commercial trailer park at this location? Has ALL of the criteria been met? In the past, this lot had defective septic tanks with no field lines at all. The septic tanks leaked constantly creating a large sewage lagoon toward the front. There is inadequate land here for this new owner to be putting so many trailers and RVs. It is "wet land" anyway. At some point, the sewage will flow once again into the stormwater ditches, contaminate the whole of the neighborhood, contaminate the wells, poison the ponds, kill off animals and fowl, and make everyone very sick. Has the owner met all of the Health Dept.'s requirements for the opening of a big commercial trailer park that relies on septic systems located on a small, rural parcel? Just a half a block away, the State of Mississippi and George County have also allowed a pseudo commercial trailer park and subdivision on 2 acres. This lot is under water after just a few inches of rain, as depicted by photos prior sent to you. Is this also acceptable? Should the residents here just ignore the imminent health hazard? Thank you. 
Date Of Resolution  12/14/2022 
Investigation History  This property has been investigated by Stephanie Swinford and me several times with no violations observed.  

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