View Complaint
Date Of Complaint  01/30/2023 
Complaint  My landlord has my septic tank exposed with nothing closing it so when it rains the sewage over flows into the surrounding area. There is a pip the runs from the septic and it can be followed to the neighboring field and it drains there when the submersible pump stops working. Sewage smell is horrible and can always be smelled inside the home and also outside. The mud in the yard smells like sewage. There's absolutely nothing covering the septic tank so someone could fall in if they aren't aware of where it is. The landlord Nedra and Keith Mitchell have been a war of this for year's now and still refuse to have it fixed. I am now starting to have health issues I believe are relates from the exposure to this. I have video and pictures of all being reported.  
Date Of Resolution  02/09/2023 
Investigation History  Duplicate Complaint 

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